Truth Tuesdays

Join me every other Tuesday for Truth Tuesdays, my community email. 

We don't grow and learn and heal our sh*t alone. We need people. We need connection. We need laughs. 

I know you sometimes have the voice in your head that says: 

  • “They lost so much weight. They look good. What’s wrong with me.”

  • “I know I shouldn’t feel this way. I just wish I could be smaller. I need to fit into my other clothes.”

  • “Why can’t I just get more done.”

  • "I'm a bad mom." or "I can't let them eat that, they will get fat" 

  • "I wish I could just get it together. I can't believe I'm still dealing with this." 

  • “Why can’t I just be like everyone else. I don’t fit in”

I also know that sometimes you feel alone and like you are the only person that experiences something. Or you know that you are not, but are embarrassed that UGH after all this time you still feel the way you do and that shame makes you not want to share it out loud. It’s not just you - really.


What comes on Truth Tuesdays? My not so secret thoughts and musings on:

  •  food, diet culture, chronic illness

  • perfectionism and worrying about getting EVERYTHING wrong in life and worrying about what everyone else thinks.

  • movement, mental health, accessibility

  • how to have difficult conversations about all of the above with friends and family (and sometimes yourself).

  • It might include a link to a Dolly Parton song because Dolly.


That's you jumping for joy because of how much you love this Free challenge. Sign up below. 

I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t fit in, wish you could do more, want to change 79864 things about yourself and feel broken. I’m not saying my email, my posts or working with me are going to change all of this. I do think you will feel less alone knowing that there are other people going through the same exact things and have for as long as you.

   A little bit about me: 

Kim is coach, speaker and writer on a mission to help you navigate diet culture. She is passionate about chronic illness, ableism, weight bias and bagels. She works with smart humans that are into body/fat positivity as a concept but still struggle with the food + body a**hole living in their head/society. She works with people who want to stop giving their power away and learn to trust themselves so they don’t pass on BS body and beauty rules to the next generation. You can work with her one on one or in a group program. She can be found on Instagram @KimberlyWeiss + @lifestylechangebarbie and on her podcast F Your Diet. 

"Kim is a great non-sugar-coated cheerleader. She's more genuine. Most people are too instagram-filtered."  
 “Very warm and compassionate but also a fantastic BS detector!” 
"Bright energy and raw passion for helping everyone."